Premium Quality Hydraulic Oil ISO 32 – Hydraulic Oil HVI 32 – VG 32 Hydraulic Oil

Hydraulic Oil ISO 32 or 46 – New and Sealed – AW Hyduaulic Oil 32
  • Hydraulic Oil VG 32 (IBC 1000 Litres) Please call for latest prices
  • Hydraulic Oil VG 32 (205 Litres) Available in various sizes
  • Hydraulic Oil VG 32 (25 litres) – Premium quality 

Midlands Lubricants Ltd supplier and distributor of premium quality standard and HVI Hydraulic oil, lubricants and premium greases are please to provide customers with a comprehensive viscosity range of Hydraulic Oils. Midlands Lubricants hydraulic oils enables power and heat transfer on Hydraulic Pumps etc, providing excellent lubrication. Our Hydraulic Oil ISO 32 often referred to as HLP 32 or VG 32 is formulated from high viscosity index solvent refined mineral base oils with additives to provide excellent protection against oxidation, corrosion, wear and foaming. Midlands Lubricants Hydraulic VG 32 oil is blended brand new to order from virgin base stock to ISO 32 viscosity grade requirements and is recommended as suitable for use in a wide range of mobile or static equipment that have hydraulic applications including Lift Hydraulic Oil, Forklift Hydraulic Oil, Press Machine Hydraulic Oil, Excavator Hydraulic OilHeavy equipment and some Farm machinery ETC.

Blended brand new to order – Quality Assurance policy BER 1400/2002
Product Description: Hydraulic Oil ISO 32 

Midlands Lubricants Hydraulic Oil 32  – Available in VG 32, HVI 32 and Bio 32

BENEFITS:  Hydraulic Oil ISO 32 AW – Anti Wear 

  • Excellent anti-wear
  • Excellent anti-corrosion, anti-rust performance
  • Low air retention / air entrainment
  • Low foaming
  • Shear stable
  • Good thermal stability and resistance to oxidation


  • DIN 51524, Part 2 (HLP)
  • ISO 6743/4, Type: HM
  • Vickers: I-286-S
Product Specification:

DIN 51524 Part 2, category HLP ISO 6743/4, category HM Denison HF-2 TP-02100 Filterability Test Sperry Vickers M-2950-S I-286-S Afnor NF E 48-600 Thyssen TH N-256132 US Steel 127 SEB 181.222 VDMA 24318

Typical Test Data:

Ultramax  32 Specific Gravity @ 15.6˚C =  0.873 Kinematic Viscosity @ 40˚C (cSt)  32.0 Kinematic Viscosity @ 100˚C (cSt) 5.36 Viscosity Index  100 Flash Point (COC ˚C)  215 Pour Point (˚C) -33

HVI Hydraulic Oil 32 – High Viscosity Index

Midlands Lubricants provides a comprehensive range of high quality High Viscosity Index (HVI) 32 hydraulic oils suitable for use over a wide range of operating temperatures. HVI hydraulic oils are made from solvent refined base oils incorporating high performance hydraulic oil additives to provide excellent protection against oxidation, corrosion, wear and foaming and are boosted by the addition of polymeric viscosity index improver additives that enable these oils to maintain an effective lubrication viscosity at elevated temperatures

Frequently asked questions

  • Excellent High and Low Temperature performance
  • Meets the anti-wear requirements of DIN 51524 part 3

Why not check out our range of complimenting Universal Tractor OilGear / Axle Oils or Transmission Fluid & Oils. Other Hydraulic oils are available in  ISO viscosity grades 46, 68 and 100. We also supply the extremely popular Hydraulic Jack Oil.

Used on Major Equipment Categories

Please get a quote today or give us a call any time 07976 790761